His hands and even his mouth have these unpleasant bumps too. There is no treatment for this illness so there was no way I was taking my son to the pediatrician. I do not want to risk infecting another baby.
Max has had dose after dose of tylenol and motrin to help with pain relief. He just turned six months a few days ago. I am so glad we were able to bring motrin into the mix. It seems to help a lot more than the tylenol.
We are on day four of a seven to ten day illness. He is slowly improving and even flashed a few smiles this morning.
On a better note, Max went to the helmet Doctor last week. We call the Prosthetics & Orthotics office the helmet doctor at our household. Max is doing great. We did a rescan and his numbers are unbelievable. I mean really the helmet doctor could not believe his progress. The numbers do not lie
but we did not need to see data to know our son's head is now round. Max went from off the charts severe to now slightly flat. In fact, the helmet doctor said he would be happy with the results if we were finished with the helmet wearing. We are only on week five of what we thought was a three month journey.
I, of course, said let's be done with the helmet. His head looks great. Unfortunately, it is recommended to continue. Max's head has grown so fast that he has to get another helmet. This is only the second time this has been done at the Prosthetics office we go to. I asked for an award for fastest progress but haven't received one yet.
Although the HFMD has been awful, I am so so glad my son no longer has a flat head. The helmets truly are amazing.